Ganesh (tigers Eye)

$ 12.00


Lord GANESHA the son of SHIVA.

This God of knowledge. he is also known as Vinayak or Vighneshwar.He is worshipped, or at least remembered, in the beginning of any auspicious performance for blessings and auspiciousness. He has for hands , big belly and elephants head.his vehicle is a mouse.

In this idol, he is finely carved in Tigers eye Stone.Tigers Eye Stone Harmonious Balanced Action Brings Understanding and Discernment. This is a stone that helps us to be more active, mentally as well as physically and its major work is within the lower chakras. It will stimulate the base chakra, sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra,

Weight : 79 gm

Measurement: 58.39 x 39.47 x 24.62 mm